Spider House, aka 21 Marlborough Hill NW8 0NG is the home of the surrealist and occasional absurdist T-Mo Bauer.
Why the giant Spider?
My family's year revolves aroud Halloween, our favourite holiday and the only one that allows us to experience awe and wonder when we see childrne;s eyes light up when they come to our house by the hundreds. Spider's George was conceived of by my daughter and graced our facade for three years before Westminster Counsel Planning department sent us a very cordial 50 pages of "remove the unlicenced sculpture", however they were quick to enter into a constructive dialogue with us and in the end accepted George as a significant and popular part of the neighbourhood and thus he migrated from the facade to his current position.
The original Spiders George, Halloween 2015
He has evolved over the years
3 year on and the guardians of good taste serve a stack of paper. I am pleased to be officially a sculptor by appointment of Her Majestiy’s City of Westminster and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.